5th Northeast Probability Seminar

Fifth Northeast Probability Seminar
C.P. Davis Auditorium
at Columbia University
November 16th and 17th, 2006.

This year we will be honoring Michael Marcus, the organizer of the
first NEPS, on the occasion of his 70th birthday.

Invited Speakers

Additionally, there will be time for short, informal, 10-minute presentations as
at the Seminar on Stochastic Processes.

Click here for a conference schedule.


This year the seminar will be held at

C.P. Davis Hall
Schapiro Center
Columbia University
530 W 120th St, Manhattanville, NY

A google maps link is

Social activities:

A conference dinner is planned for Thursday night.


See Hotels.tex for details.

Financial support to attend the seminar.

The NSF grant allows us to offer some financial support to
participants from US Universities. We will give preference to graduate
students, postdocs, women and minorities, and junior faculty.

Applicants for this financial support should provide:

  • a one-page letter explaining their interest in the seminar and
    its relation to their research interests
  • a current CV
  • graduate students and postdocs should also arrange for a letter
    of recommendation to be sent from their advisor or some expert
    familiar with their work

Materials should be sent either by e-mail (preferred) or postal mail

John Verzani
[email protected]
Department of Mathematics, 1S-215
College of Staten Island, CUNY
2800 Victory Boulevard
Staten Island, N.Y. 10314

Thanks to:

The semianar is supported by The National Science

Our special co-sponsors this year are


Thanks, as well, to the scientific organizers: Richard Bass, James
Fill, Daniel Ocone, Jay Rosen, and Victor de la Peña; and the travel
grant committee: Peter Bank, Victor de la Peña, and John Verzani.

Local organizers:
Victor de la Peña: vp @ stat.columbia.edu, Department of Statistics,
Columbia University
John Verzani: verzani @ math.csi.cuny.edu, Department of
Mathematics, CUNY/College of Staten Island