This guide will help you in preparing your reimbursement request. After completing the four steps of the reimbursement procedure, you will end up with the reimbursement package by scanning the forms, receipts, and other required documents whose number and complexity depends on your visa status.
The reimbursement consists of filling one online form and two paper forms (RF-702 and “Epayment travel expense voucher and request for payment”). The links to the forms are contained in this guide.
Step 1. Form RF-702. The form does not have to be filled out by US citizens. The link to the form is:
Step 2. Summary of expenses. The google form is available at
The form can accept up to 10 costs. If you have more, please fill out additional forms.
Step 3. Paper form with itemized expenses and your signature. You can download the document from the link:
Your “project position” is: “Speaker”, if you are one of the 4 plenary speakers; or “Participant” – otherwise.
Step 4. Assemble all the documents together. Your final pdf file should consist of the following documents:
4.1. Reimbursement request from Step 3.
4.2. Form RF-702 (for non-US citizens) prepared in Step 1.
4.3. Non-US citizens should also provide:
4.3.1. The copy of the front page of the passport;
4.3.2. The copy of the visa page of the passport;
4.3.3. Additional visa documents listed in the instructions of RF-702.
4.4. Copy of the flight (or train, or bus) ticket with confirmation numbers.
4.5. Boarding passes.
4.6. Printouts of electronic receipts from hotel or airbnb.
4.7. Other scanned receipts.
4.8. Printout of the NEPS schedule. Either print the website page, or download the printout from the link:
Please collect the documents 4.1-4.8, merge them into a single pdf file, and upload the file to